Well lets see, since my last post all of my fabric swatches came in. (which is first since I'm so excited about it!) I was able to narrow down my selections for all the throw pillows and the drapes too. Too bad I can't share pictures of the decisions till my final showing of them in action! *Suspense* These are most of the swatches together though- such hard decisions!!
Sooo many pretty ones! |
Next was a great day out on Friday with friends and new cellphones. Rob and I ended up getting two new cell phones, only costing 1 euro each with our new plans (winning). I got a white S4 mini and Rob the black one. We figured that, even though contracts over here can be a pain, not having one and doing prepaid phones was going to be more of a hassle, and more expensive. Plus, who doesn't want a new phone!? After T-Mobile, since Rob had CQ Thursday and was tired he went back home to sleep and Danette, Nicole and I headed out to lunch and to explore Baumholder a bit.
First stop was my first visit to a German McDonalds.
To the left, that red building is the "play place". |
Next, once inside it looked like a super jazzed up McDonalds with a German menu and a separate McCafe coffee and dessert bar.
This is the view from my table. Over in the top left corner is the McCafe bar. The separate food counter is to the left out of the picture. |
But, the food still looks the same! A few different sandwiches, separate charges for mayo and ketchup, no free refills, and instead of tossing your own garbage you leave your tray on a shelf! |
After lunch we walked around Baumholder and explored a few shops. We found a fabric quilting shop, a few floral shops, and even a small craft store. All in all a great afternoon! Then we all split up and headed home to relax before the evening festivities.
Friday night a bunch of people headed out to go bowling before hitting up the knot. I forgot how much I like bowling, especially when I'm not sucking. After a game we headed to the knot! On the way we snagged some food at a little place next door- called Doner. We got doner boxes, which look like this:
sorry for the crappy photo editing to fix the lighting I took this picture in the knot, which doesn't have great lighting. With a phone that was dying. |
For the box you can pick whichever ingredients you'd like: onions, cheese, peppers, tomatoes, lettuce, cabbage, and a special sauce (kinda ranch like), also probably a few more I'm forgetting but basically its amazing. But no matter which ingredients you pick- the main ingredient is lamb meat, like on a gyro. So delicious!
Saturday we went to Mannheim with Austin to look at cars. That was a fun adventure in itself. We drove out there and looked at our first car. It was a scary sight in a creepy dungey lot lol. It only cost 350 euro so of course it was cheap but a little too much so. We decided to pass on it and look some more while we snagged a bite to eat. First, I googled "food near me" and found a diner we could eat at. The GPS didn't take us to the right place. Then the mall nearby didn't have any food places open. So we bailed on the food hunt and went to a nearby McDonalds, because they always have food.
After MickyDs, we looked at another car. It was a 900 euro Fiat and it wasn't a bad option. Too bad it was Saturday and we didn't bring temporary plates nor could we find an ATM that would take our debit card. But it turned out to be a kind of blessing in disguise.
Once we gave up on the car hunt we left to come back to Baumholder. Then got lost because I turned off my GPS b/c my phone was going to die. We ended up all the way in Frankfurt before we realized we were lost. :D At least it was a fun trip.
Saturday night we stayed in. Sunday Rob went to look at another car, a '95 BMW 318 here in Baumholder. Which we ended up buying this week. So nice to have a car and be to able to get around!! Then we went over to a friends house for the Superbowl and a little party. Too bad I couldn't stay up late to watch it, not like I missed anything.
Monday was Rob's birthday. (His birthday present is still in the mail so I can't say what it is!) I made him pancakes for breakfast and then baked some slutty brownies! So yummy! Cookies on the bottom of the pan, covered in crushed Oreos, and then covered in brownie batter! Delicious! Had to freeze the rest of the pan to make sure we didn't try and eat them all! It was a busy day for him at work, running around trying to get the car straightened out! A bit for me as well. I had a doctors appointment to get checked into the system and then Kaela had her first vet visit afterwards. Lots of running around.
Yesterday was actually calmer for a change. Homework homework homework! And some car cleaning. It really needed to be vacuumed and wiped out. It was a bit gross. The previous owner was a bit of a pack-rat and had left a lot of garbage too. But it looks way better now!
Last but not least! Today was full of great things! First we woke up to learning that our household goods are going to be delivered tomorrow!! YAY!! WHAT UP!! I'm so excited to have our things and get our apartment into working order! I'm excited to be putting everything away and actually feel like I'm at home again. Then, the second round of good news, I met up with two dog trainers at the dog park on post to get a few pointers about Kaela and training her. It went great! I just needed to learn how to work with her better. Malinois are so smart. After working with her she listened to me at the dog park and the whole way home. Another win!
Now, more homework and getting ready for the moving people tomorrow. SO EXCITED!