Friday, April 11, 2014

Sunday Fun-Day

So, the Sunday after Molli left Rob and I decided to go for a little day trip down to Saarbrucken. The were having their Easter Market and had lots of the shops open (which is rare on Sundays). The drive there and back wasn't bad- just a little under an hour. And we didn't really buy much just walked around and explored till our feets hurt. 

Walking around we saw a lot of neat stuff!
Sweet Fountain!
I thought this mural was so weird. Odd looking fairy with creepy trees.
some flowers outside we stumbled upon. I love how many
flower boxes are here.
A sculpture of a man fighting a dragon?
No big deal.

At the end the row of  shops we bumped into a river.
super pretty.
After walking around and getting a brat for lunch we found a super sweet mall. From the outside it totally doesn't look like a mall.
I mean does this look like a mall?
I mean how many malls in the US have stained glass windows!?
How pretty!? Three floors of fun.
After exploring the mall, we decided that our feet hurt and it was time for our adventure to come to an end. 
Just us.
Me messing around on the ride home.
After we got back it was time for lots of homework for me. Then this week, with me still being sick, I worked from home on some flyers and a calendar for work. Homework, work, and nyquil - repeat. Now I'm starting to feel a bit better so hopefully this weekend won't be a waste :D 

1 comment:

  1. I keep typing and I still have the same damned password problem. No where to go but up!!!
