Saturday, March 15, 2014

Oh no- a 2 Week posting gap? I failed.

I can't believe my last post was on February 27th? that's like forever ago. Time to rehash and share a life update.

Let's start with that weekend, March 1st. The Knot was having a Fasching party, which fasching is explained a bit more here. Basically we all dressed up in costumes and went to party at the knot. It was lots of fun. So many people showed up and one of the wives, Sunnie, made her amazing chocolate Oreo truffles, which are amazing!! (I needs the recipe, but my waistline keeps telling me no.)

I liked our costumes. Rob was an escaped convict. Simply for the reason
he wanted to carry a cap gun and well, he had to escape first
to find the gun, of course.
Then that following week, since I finally have my ls, I started gyming more. (which I'm happy about). I even had to selfie in the car after my first successful drive alone in our rickety 5 speed on my way to the gym.
That's my "hey I made it to the gym in one piece" face.
Plus I had to get the right angle to prove I was actually driving alone :D
Then, after my interview with Tosha I mentioned last post I started working on the 6th. My first task, which I finished this past week (like on Wednesday the 12th) was organizing my office. After my first day Tosha and I set up a schedule for me to come in M, W, and F afternoons. Since it's a volunteer thing I just do maybe 3-4 hours each afternoon, sometimes 5 if I'm having Rob pick me up after he's done at work. Nothing too crazy though.
When I first started the office looked a bit like a tornado hit it.
ACS currently doesn't have a marketing person so this marketing office
became a catch all supply room basically.
I had a lot to organize but I like organizing and I didn't mind. Plus it is a nice way to start off my job to see what all materials we have and what we needed. With no one over me to guide me and show me the ropes it helps to be able to get oriented and see what all is there to start with. I moved all of the office supplies down the hall to the supply room, which seemed like the obvious first move. It helped to free up a lot of space. Some of the supplies had to stay in here like colored and patterned paper but most of it was able to move.

Next, I headed down to the pretty creepy basement to sift through materials and see what I could find. So much was down here I doubt they even knew that they had! Lots of trips up and down the stairs were made. Water bottles, mousepads, drink koozies, luggage labels, childrens books, DVDS, pamphlets, and so much more :D 
This is said creepy basement. Totally looks like what I think of
when everyone says these buildings are left from when
the Nazi's were here,

But, once the 12th rolled around all the effort was totally worth it. The office looks fabulous and I'm excited to see what projects I'll be starting this coming week :D
I even went label gun happy. I swear this is super organized.
And, I Love It.
In addition to starting "work" the weather has started to clear up and warm up. We went to the dog park here on post for the first time the weekend of the 8th. We ended up going on Saturday and on Sunday.
Kaela is so good in the car, love when her ears stick out
of our sun roof :D
The park here is like many other I've been to, just a big fenced in field.
She loves it though and chases the ball the entire time we're there.
Then Sunday after we went to the dog park with Danette and Austin we all decided to grill out, along with everyone else on post. When the weather is nice EVERYONE grills out. Literally there are grills on every side of every housing building, just grab a pad and start cooking. We did brats, bacon wrapped asparagus, and we trial-ran a peanut butter/chocolate/banana/graham cracker dessert. It was a win. Kaela even behaved and hung out with us while we grilled out.

Lastly, this week on Thursday was the first company BBQ we went to. It started at 1130 and it was lots of fun. Lots of food and lots of people. They had a volleyball net set up and it was a good time. A couple other dogs were there for Kaela to play with. We ended up letting her off her leash and she did really well. We hadn't tried it before so we weren't sure if she was the running type but she listened well. Murphy, a fellow man dog that wants to be her boyfriend, was there and they ran around most of the afternoon, him humping any air around her. Wish I could have gotta a picture of her sliding down the hill though. She'd get so tired from running around and come lay on the hillside next to me and roll over and start sliding. It was cute.

I didn't stay at the BBQ as long as everyone else and left around 430 so I could come home to clean and set up. We were having people over afterwards and I had to straighten up. Once people got here we beer ponged and played kings for a bit. Regular pre-gaming at the Ruwe's and then off to the Knot. Yay for drinking on a Thursday because its a four-day weekend. 

Friday we didn't do much but recover and today we might stop out at the Knot for the St. Patty's Day festivities. Rob has a work thing tomorrow so we can't be out super late. Other than that I think those are the updates. Our bmw back in the states is finally on its way (thanks to Babcock and Finch for helping us with that). I can't wait for it to get here and the traveling to begin!! Plus I booked the hotel for when my cousin Molli comes in on April 1st. We snagged a hotel for her first night in Amsterdam and I'm super stoked. #wootwoot

More will be posted later. And I'm keeping my fingers crossed I don't make a habit of these two week gaps between posts. I'll work on that.


  1. Thanks for the up date- you know I live for your posts and photos. I am happy Kaela enjoys hanging out and is a social girl- you will so enjoy taking her places with you.
    How long do you think until the car arrives? Hope its there for when Molli comes. Nice work on the office- I want to hear about the projects you work on and how you plan to get the word out that you are there and ready to make a big difference.
    Now I have fresh asparagus in the fridge and those wrapped in bacon looked great may try on the George Foreman tomorrow.
    Ad a PS about Dug and Rex- have any pictures of them at Luanne's?
    Thanks for keeping us all posted. Mom

  2. I'll send you some photos that she has sent us. The boys seem happy! Also the car probably won't be here for at least a month. I'm going to rent a car when Molli comes, it'll be easier and nicer. Also I'll definitely keep you posted about work, I'm excited to see whats next. The bacon asparagus was a hit! So delicious yet a bit sinful Lol. Love you mom!

  3. I'm so glad you have a job and enjoy it. It makes the time so much more fulfilling. And always the possibility of using it as a step to something else.

  4. I am very happy to be working now! Such a relief and definitely makes my time more fulfilling. Plus it makes saving up a lot easier!
