Okay so as of now I'm a day behind on my posts (aka it's Monday and I'm posting about Sunday) but I think that's better so I can post during my afternoon siesta time.
So yesterday was Sunday, the 18th (my birthday). We woke up in Madrid and took a bus to the train station.
This is me on the bus to the train station. |
We took the train to Sevilla and got in around 230 in the afternoon. Our host families met us all at the train station. My host is Amada. So far I flipping love this lady!
She had her car at the train station so we loaded up my luggage and headed to her apartment. I was so happy that despite her accent I could understand her and we had a great little time getting to know each other. She didn't live far from the station so it was a short ride.
This is the entry to her apartment building. |
I'm blessed being able to stay with Amada. My room is very nice and my bed is comfortable. Luckily her building has an elevator so we didn't have to carry my luggage up to her floor.
This is the elevator. The picture on the left is of the
design on its ceiling. |
Once we got upstairs I unpacked and got settled in while Amada fixed me a fruit plate for lunch since I wasn't that hungry.
This is my room (view from the door) |
And from the opposite side. |
Here is my closet. |
Lots of space to stay organized! |
All around I love it. Here are the views from my window:
This is to the right. |
And this is to the left. |
There are two other American students living here with me from NC. We share this bathroom. Amada's apartment is a 4 bedroom 2 bathroom place so she has her own.
After I ate my fruit plate I gave Amada my gift for her. She loved it!
I got her German chocolates, cookies, and two handmade wooden signs.
She's never been to Germany and was so happy! |
After I headed out to meet up with some other kids from the group and get dinner. Plus I had to start some sight seeing. First I walked through the Plaza de Cuba and across the puente de San Telmo.
This was the view from the bridge to my right. |
I then walked through the plaza de puente de jerez. There are two bigger streets here that I went up and down: calle San Fernando and avenida de la constitución. This building is near the corner of the two streets.
I then met up with some other students in the gardens in Santa Cruz off San Fernando.
Pretty flowers from the park. |
And a ginormous tree! |
Next we ran into some more students and our group grew to 8. By this time we were all hungry and stopped at a Mexican restaurant for dinner around 830/9pm. It was called Iguana Ranas. I mean I had to at least do something fun for my birthday and what better than tequila and mexican?!!
The restaurant menu. |
Tragos de tequila y mi cerveza |
My delicious chicken nachos!! |
After dinner we all went our separate ways and headed home. It was a great way to spend my birthday! Go Sevilla! As of today, I'm in love.